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Staying Fit & Active during the Christmas Holidays

Staying Fit & Active during the Christmas Holidays

Staying Fit & Active during
the Christmas Holidays

Christmas! The word instantly conjures up images of laziness, decadence and above all, mountains of food. For most of us, Christmas is the time we give up on that diet, take a break from the gym and enjoy the sugary goodness that surrounds us whilst watching Netflix. But what if we could actually motivate ourselves to stay active during this time? How much better would we feel about ourselves when we reach for that extra mince pie or sneakily throw on a double helping of cream? Here are a few easy ways to keep that discipline over the festive month.

While it is unlikely that you can or indeed will stick to a serious sports regimen, there are still plenty of opportunities to get active over Christmas. Misery loves company they say (unless you are Scrooge), so why not put on those shoes and drag out a few friends and family members for a brisk walk. After Christmas dinner could be a good time, weather permitting of course and all of you will benefit from the fresh air. Maybe work off some of that turkey, to make way for an extra bit of dessert when you get back home.

If you have a dog you are lucky in this respect, as you are almost forced to go out regardless. I am not advocating for crazy running here, just a simple wander about that will get the heart pumping and potentially burn off a few of those pesky Christmas pudding calories. Even a snowball fight or some outdoor game with the family is better than nothing, and who knows, you might even enjoy it! It’s a win-win.

For those of you a little more serious about sticking to a plan, keeping an eye on alcohol intake and eating little and often will enable you to keep a little trimmer. This might help reducing the panic mode that will inevitably set in when New Year rolls around!

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